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Provides unified mechanisms for deployments.

To use this library, import @stdlib/deploy:

import "@stdlib/deploy";



Message struct used in a receiver of the deprecated Deployable trait.

message Deploy {
/// Unique identifier for tracking transactions across multiple contracts.
queryId: Int as uint64;


Forwarded message struct used in deprecated Deployable and FactoryDeployable traits.

message DeployOk {
/// Unique identifier for tracking transactions across multiple contracts.
queryId: Int as uint64;


Message struct used in a receiver of the deprecated FactoryDeployable trait.

message FactoryDeploy {
/// Unique identifier for tracking transactions across multiple contracts.
queryId: Int as uint64;
/// Address to forward `DeployOk` message to.
cashback: Address;



Deprecated since Tact 1.6

The trait Deployable provides a unified mechanism for deployments by implementing a simple receiver for the Deploy message.

All contracts are deployed by sending them a message. While any message can be used for this purpose, you can use the special Deploy message.

This message has a single field, queryId, provided by the deployer (usually set to zero). If the deployment succeeds, the contract will reply with a DeployOk message and echo the same queryId in the response.

Source code:

trait Deployable {
receive(deploy: Deploy) {
self.notify(DeployOk{queryId: deploy.queryId}.toCell());

Usage example:

import "@stdlib/deploy";
contract ExampleContract with Deployable {
// Now, this contract has a receiver for the Deploy message

Unless you need the queryId, use a null message body receiver instead of this trait.

contract ExampleContract {
// Forwards the remaining value in the
// incoming message back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }


Deprecated since Tact 1.6

The trait FactoryDeployable provides a convenient unified mechanism for chained deployments.

Source code:

trait FactoryDeployable {
receive(deploy: FactoryDeploy) {
self.forward(deploy.cashback, DeployOk{queryId: deploy.queryId}.toCell(), false, null);

Usage example:

import "@stdlib/deploy";
contract ExampleContract with FactoryDeployable {
// Now, this contract has a receiver for the FactoryDeploy message

Unless you need the queryId, use a null message body receiver instead of this trait.

contract ExampleContract {
// Forwards the remaining value in the
// incoming message back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
