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The behavior of Tact compiler can be customized using its configuration file, tact.config.json — a JSON file that contains the list of settings according to the specific schema.

This page lists all the configuration options as they’re structured in the schema. Look for table of contents on the right to easily navigate them.


A JSON schema file is available for editors to provide autocompletion and hover hints: configSchema.json.

Simply add the $schema field on top your configuration file:

"$schema": "",
"projects": []


List of Tact projects with respective compilation options. Each .tact file represents its own Tact project.

"projects": [
{ },
{ }


Name of the project. All generated files are prefixed with it.

In Blueprint, name refers to the name of the contract itself.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix"
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint"


Path to the project’s Tact file. You can only specify one Tact file per project.

In Blueprint, path is superseded by the target field in wrappers/ContractName.compile.ts by default, or in compilables/ContractName.compile.ts if you have separateCompilables the option set in the blueprint.config.ts.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact"


Path to the directory where all generated files will be placed.

In Blueprint, output is not used and all generated files are always placed in build/ProjectName/.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output"


Compilation options for the project.

In Blueprint, they act as default unless modified in wrappers/ContractName.compile.ts by default, or in compilables/ContractName.compile.ts if you have separateCompilables the option set in the blueprint.config.ts.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {}
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {}


false by default.

If set to true, enables debug output of a contract and allows usage of dump() function, which is useful for debugging purposes. With this option enabled, the contract will report that it was compiled in debug mode using the supported_interfaces method.

The debug mode implies activation of the nullChecks safety option.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"debug": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"debug": true


false by default.

If set to true, enables support of external message receivers.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"external": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"external": true


false by default.

If set to true, enables generation of a getter with IPFS links describing the contract’s ABI.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"ipfsAbiGetter": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"ipfsAbiGetter": true


false by default.

If set to true, enables generation of a getter with a list of interfaces provided by the contract.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"interfacesGetter": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"interfacesGetter": true


"new" by default.

If set to new, Tact will compile with a new language parser.

If set to old, Tact will compile with an old language parser.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"debug": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"debug": true


Experimental options that might be removed in the future. Use with caution!

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"experimental": {}
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"experimental": {}

false by default.

If set to true, enables inlining of all functions in contracts. This can reduce gas usage at the cost of bigger contracts.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"options": {
"experimental": {
"inline": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"experimental": {
"inline": true


Available since Tact 1.6 (not released yet)

Options that affect the safety of contracts.

"projects": [
"name": "contract",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./output",
"options": {
"safety": {}
Available since Tact 1.6 (not released yet)

true by default.

If set to true, enables run-time null checks of the arguments of the unwrapping non-null assertion !! operator. Setting the option to false will disable these checks and decrease gas consumption.

Null checks are always enabled in the debug mode.

"projects": [
"name": "contract",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./output",
"options": {
"safety": {
"nullChecks": false


Available since Tact 1.6 (not released yet)

false by default.

If set to true, enables generation of lazy_deployment_completed() getter.

"projects": [
"name": "contract",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./output",
"options": {
"enableLazyDeploymentCompletedGetter": true


Available since Tact 1.6 (not released yet)

1 by default.

Sets the verbosity level. Higher values produce more output.

"projects": [
"name": "func_only",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"verbose": 2


Compilation mode of the project. Valid values are:

"full"(default) Runs the whole compilation pipeline and emits FunC code, BoC, and various utility files, including wrappers for TypeScript.
"fullWithDecompilation"Runs the whole compilation pipeline like "full", and also decompiles produced binary code in the BoC format.
"funcOnly"Only outputs intermediate FunC code, preventing further compilation.
"checkOnly"Only performs syntax and type checking, preventing further compilation.

In Blueprint, mode is always set to "full" and cannot be overwritten.

"projects": [
"name": "some_prefix",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"mode": "full"
"name": "func_only",
"path": "./contract.tact",
"output": "./contract_output",
"mode": "funcOnly"

Full example

"$schema": "",
"projects": [
"name": "basic",
"path": "./basic.tact",
"output": "./basic_output",
"mode": "full"
"name": "func_only",
"path": "./basic.tact",
"output": "./basic_output",
"mode": "funcOnly"
"name": "debugPrefix",
"path": "./contracts/contract.tact",
"output": "./contracts/output",
"options": {
"debug": true
"name": "ContractUnderBlueprint",
"options": {
"debug": false,
"external": false,
"ipfsAbiGetter": true,
"interfacesGetter": true,
"experimental": {
"inline": false
"safety": {
"nullChecks": false