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Type system overview

Every variable, item, and value in Tact programs has a type. They can be:

Additionally, many of these types can be made nullable.

Primitive types

Tact supports a number of primitive data types that are tailored for smart contract use:

  • Int — All numbers in Tact are 257257-bit signed integers, but smaller representations can be used to reduce storage costs.
  • Bool — Classical boolean with true and false values.
  • Address — Standard smart contract address in TON Blockchain.
  • Cell, Builder, Slice — Low-level primitives of TVM.
  • String — Immutable text strings.
  • StringBuilder — Helper type that allows you to concatenate strings in a gas-efficient way.


The primitive type Bool is the classical boolean type, which can hold only two values: true and false. It is convenient for boolean and logical operations, as well as for storing flags.

There are no implicit type conversions in Tact, so addition (+) of two boolean values is not possible. However, many comparison operators are available, such as:

Persisting bools to state is very space-efficient, as they only occupy 1 bit. Storing 1000 bools in state costs about 0.000720.00072 TON per year.

Composite types

Using individual means of storage often becomes cumbersome, so there are ways to combine multiple primitive types together to create composite types:

In addition to the composite types above, Tact provides a special type constructor bounced<T>, which can only be specified in bounced message receivers.

While contracts and traits are also considered a part of the Tact type system, one cannot pass them around like Structs and Messages. Instead, it is possible to obtain the initial state of a given contract by using the initOf expression.

It is also possible to obtain only the code of a given contract by using the codeOf expression.


The type map<K, V> is used as a way to associate keys of type K with corresponding values of type V.

Example of a map<K, V>:

let mapExample: map<Int, Int> = emptyMap(); // empty map with Int keys and values

Learn more about them on the dedicated page: Maps.

Structs and Messages

Structs and Messages are the two main ways of combining multiple primitive types into a composite one.

Example of a Struct:

struct Point {
x: Int;
y: Int;

Example of a Message:

// Custom numeric id of the Message
message(0x11111111) SetValue {
key: Int;
value: Int?; // Optional, Int or null
coins: Int as coins; // Serialization into TL-B types

Learn more about them on the dedicated page: Structs and Messages.


All primitive types, as well as Structs and Messages, can be nullable and hold a special null value.

Example of an optional:

let opt: Int? = null; // Int or null, explicitly assigned null

Learn more about them on the dedicated page: Optionals.


Contracts in Tact conveniently represent smart contracts on TON blockchain. They hold all functions, getters, and receivers of a TON contract, and much more.

Example of a contract:

contract HelloWorld {
// Persistent state variable
counter: Int;
// Constructor function init(), where all the variables are initialized
init() {
self.counter = 0;
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a string message "increment"
receive("increment") {
self.counter += 1;
// Getter function with return type Int
get fun counter(): Int {
return self.counter;

Read more about them on the dedicated page: Contracts.


Tact doesn’t support classical class inheritance but instead introduces the concept of traits, which can be viewed as abstract contracts (like abstract classes in popular object-oriented languages). They have the same structure as contracts but can’t initialize persistent state variables.

A trait can also allow the contract inheriting it to override the behavior of its functions and the values of its constants.

Example of a trait Ownable from @stdlib/ownable:

trait Ownable {
// Persistent state variable, which cannot be initialized in the trait
owner: Address;
// Internal function
fun requireOwner() {
throwUnless(132, context().sender == self.owner);
// Getter function with return type Address
get fun owner(): Address {
return self.owner;

And the contract that uses the trait Ownable:

contract Treasure with Ownable {
// Persistent state variable, which MUST be defined in the contract
owner: Address;
// Constructor function init(), where all the variables are initialized on-chain
init(owner: Address) {
self.owner = owner;

Alternatively, a contract may use the contract parameter syntax, in which case it must list all the persistent state variables inherited from all of its traits:

contract Treasure(
// Persistent state variable, to be defined at deployment
owner: Address,
) with Ownable {}