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Security best practices

There are several anti-patterns and potential attack vectors that Tact smart contract developers should be aware of. These can affect the security, efficiency, and correctness of the contracts. Below we discuss the do’s and don’ts specific to writing and maintaining secure Tact smart contracts.

For a deeper understanding, refer to the following resources:

In addition, consider reading the detailed article by CertiK, a Web3 smart contract auditor: Secure Smart Contract Programming in Tact: Popular Mistakes in the TON Ecosystem.

Sending sensitive data on-chain

The entire smart contract computation is transparent, and if you have confidential values at runtime, they can be retrieved through simple emulation.

Do’s ✅

Do not send or store sensitive data on-chain.

Don’ts ❌
message Login {
privateKey: Int as uint256;
signature: Slice;
data: Slice;
contract Test {
// Empty receiver for the deployment,
// which forwards the remaining value back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
receive(msg: Login) {
let publicKey = getPublicKey(msg.privateKey);
require(checkDataSignature(, msg.signature, publicKey), "Invalid signature!");

Misuse of signed integers

Unsigned integers are safer because they prevent most errors by design, while signed integers can have unpredictable consequences if not used carefully. Therefore, signed integers should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Do’s ✅

Prefer to use unsigned integers unless signed integers are required.

Don’ts ❌

The following is an example of the incorrect use of a signed integer. In the Vote Message, the type of the votes field is Int as int32, which is a 32-bit signed integer. This can lead to spoofing if an attacker sends a negative number of votes instead of a positive one.

message Vote { votes: Int as int32 }
contract Sample {
votes: Int as uint32 = 0;
receive(msg: Vote) {
self.votes += msg.votes;

Invalid throw values

Exit codes 00 and 11 indicate normal execution of the compute phase of the transaction. Execution can be unexpectedly aborted by calling a throw() or similar functions directly with exit codes 00 and 11. This can make debugging very difficult since such aborted execution would be indistinguishable from a normal one.

Do’s ✅

Prefer to use the require() function to state expectations.

require(isDataValid(, "Invalid data!");
Don’ts ❌

Don’t throw 00 or 11 directly.


Insecure random numbers

Generating truly secure random numbers in TON is challenging. The random() function is pseudo-random and depends on logical time. An attacker can predict the randomized number by brute-forcing the logical time in the current block.

Do’s ✅
  • For critical applications, avoid relying solely on on-chain solutions.

  • Use random() with randomized logical time to enhance security by making predictions harder for attackers without access to a validator node. Note, however, that it is still not entirely foolproof.

  • Consider using the commit-and-disclose scheme:

    1. Participants generate random numbers off-chain and send their hashes to the contract.
    2. Once all hashes are received, participants disclose their original numbers.
    3. Combine the disclosed numbers (e.g., summing them) to produce a secure random value.

For more details, refer to the Secure Random Number Generation page in TON Docs.

Don’ts ❌

Don’t rely on the random() function.

if (random(1, 10) == 7) {
... send reward ...

Don’t use randomization in external_message receivers, as it remains vulnerable even with randomized logical time.

Optimized message handling

String parsing from human-friendly formats into machine-readable binary structures should be done off-chain. This approach ensures that only optimized and compact messages are sent to the blockchain, minimizing computational and storage costs while avoiding unnecessary gas overhead.

Do’s ✅

Perform string parsing from human-readable formats into machine-readable binary structures off-chain to keep the contract efficient.

message Sample {
parsedField: Slice;
contract Example {
receive(msg: Sample) {
// Process msg.parsedField directly
Don’ts ❌

Avoid parsing strings from human-readable formats into binary structures on-chain, as this increases computational overhead and gas costs.

message Sample { field: String }
contract Example {
receive(msg: Sample) {
// Parsing occurs on-chain, which is inefficient
let parsed = field.fromBase64();

Gas limitation

Be careful with the Out of gas error. It cannot be handled, so try to pre-calculate the gas consumption for each receiver using tests whenever possible. This will help avoid wasting extra gas, as the transaction will fail anyway.

Do’s ✅
message Vote { votes: Int as int32 }
contract Example {
const voteGasUsage = 10000; // precompute with tests
receive(msg: Vote) {
require(context().value > getComputeFee(self.voteGasUsage, false), "Not enough gas!");

Identity validation

Always validate the identity of the sender if your contract logic revolves around trusted senders. This can be done using the Ownable trait or using state init validation. You can read more about Jetton validation and NFT validation.

Do’s ✅

Use the Ownable trait.

import "@stdlib/ownable";
contract Counter with Ownable {
owner: Address;
val: Int as uint32;
init() {
self.owner = address("OWNER_ADDRESS");
self.val = 0;
receive("admin-double") {
self.val = self.val * 2;
Don’ts ❌

Do not execute a message without validating the sender’s identity!

contract Example {
myJettonWalletAddress: Address;
myJettonAmount: Int as coins = 0;
init(jettonWalletCode: Cell, jettonMasterAddress: Address) {
self.myJettonWalletAddress = calculateJettonWalletAddress(
// Empty receiver for the deployment,
// which forwards the remaining value back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
receive(msg: JettonTransferNotification) {
self.myJettonAmount += msg.amount;

Replay protection

Replay protection is a security mechanism that prevents an attacker from reusing a previous message. More information about replay protection can be found on the External messages page in TON Docs.

Do’s ✅

To differentiate messages, always include and validate a unique identifier, such as seqno. Update the identifier after successful processing to avoid duplicates.

Alternatively, you can implement replay protection similar to the one in the highload v3 wallet, which is not based on seqno.

message Msg {
newMessage: Cell;
signature: Slice;
struct DataToVerify {
seqno: Int as uint64;
message: Cell;
contract Sample {
publicKey: Int as uint256;
seqno: Int as uint64;
init(publicKey: Int, seqno: Int) {
self.publicKey = publicKey;
self.seqno = seqno;
external(msg: Msg) {
seqno: self.seqno,
message: msg.newMessage
}.toSlice(), msg.signature, self.publicKey), "Invalid signature");
self.seqno += 1;
nativeSendMessage(msg.newMessage, 0);
Don’ts ❌

Do not rely on signature verification without the inclusion of a sequence number. Messages without replay protection can be resent by attackers because there is nothing to distinguish a valid original message from a replayed one.

message Msg {
newMessage: Cell;
signature: Slice;
contract Sample {
publicKey: Int as uint256;
init(publicKey: Int, seqno: Int) {
self.publicKey = publicKey;
external(msg: Msg) {
require(checkDataSignature(msg.toSlice(), msg.signature, self.publicKey), "Invalid signature");
nativeSendMessage(msg.newMessage, 0);

Race condition of messages

A message cascade can be processed over many blocks. Assume that while one message flow is running, an attacker can initiate a second message flow in parallel. That is, if a property was checked at the beginning, such as whether the user has enough tokens, do not assume that it will still be satisfied at the third stage in the same contract.

Handle/Send bounced messages

Send messages with the bounce flag set to true, which is the default for the send() function. Messages bounce when the execution of a contract fails. You may want to handle this by rolling back the state of the contract using try...catch statements and performing additional processing depending on your logic.

Do’s ✅

Handle bounced messages via a bounced message receiver to correctly react to failed messages.

contract JettonDefaultWallet {
const minTonsForStorage: Int = ton("0.01");
const gasConsumption: Int = ton("0.01");
balance: Int;
owner: Address;
master: Address;
init(master: Address, owner: Address) {
self.balance = 0;
self.owner = owner;
self.master = master;
receive(msg: TokenBurn) {
let ctx: Context = context();
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Invalid sender");
self.balance = self.balance - msg.amount;
require(self.balance >= 0, "Invalid balance");
let fwdFee: Int = ctx.readForwardFee();
require(ctx.value > fwdFee + 2 * self.gasConsumption + self.minTonsForStorage, "Invalid value - Burn");
to: self.master,
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
bounce: true,
body: TokenBurnNotification{
queryId: msg.queryId,
amount: msg.amount,
owner: self.owner,
response_destination: self.owner
bounced(src: bounced<TokenBurnNotification>) {
self.balance = self.balance + src.amount;

Transaction and phases

From the Sending messages page of the Book:

Each transaction on TON Blockchain consists of multiple phases. Outbound messages are evaluated in the compute phase but are not sent in that phase. Instead, they’re queued in order of appearance for the action phase, where all actions listed in the compute phase, such as outbound messages or reserve requests, are executed.

Hence, if the compute phase fails, registers c4 (persistent data) and c5 (actions) won’t be updated. However, it is possible to manually save their state using the commit() function.

Return gas excesses carefully

If excess gas is not returned to the sender, the funds will accumulate in your contracts over time. This isn’t terrible in principle, just a suboptimal practice. You can add a function to rake out excess, but popular contracts like TON Jetton still return it to the sender with the Message using the 0xd53276db opcode.

Do’s ✅

Return excesses using a Message with the 0xd53276db opcode.

message(0xd53276db) Excesses {}
message Vote { votes: Int as int32 }
contract Sample {
votes: Int as uint32 = 0;
receive(msg: Vote) {
self.votes += msg.votes;
to: sender(),
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue | SendIgnoreErrors,
body: Excesses{}.toCell(),

Alternatively, you can leverage the standard notify() or forward() functions.

message(0xd53276db) Excesses {}
message Vote { votes: Int as int32 }
contract Sample {
votes: Int as uint32 = 0;
receive(msg: Vote) {
self.votes += msg.votes;

Pulling data from another contract

Contracts in the blockchain can reside in separate shards processed by another set of validators. This means that one contract cannot pull data from another contract. Specifically, no contract can call a getter function from another contract.

Thus, any on-chain communication is asynchronous and done by sending and receiving messages.

Do’s ✅

Exchange messages to pull data from another contract.

message ProvideMoney {}
message TakeMoney { money: Int as coins }
contract OneContract {
money: Int as coins;
init(money: Int) { = money;
receive(msg: ProvideMoney) {
contract AnotherContract {
oneContractAddress: Address;
init(oneContractAddress: Address) {
self.oneContractAddress = oneContractAddress;
receive("get money") {
self.forward(self.oneContractAddress, ProvideMoney{}.toCell(), false, null);
receive(msg: TakeMoney) {
require(sender() == self.oneContractAddress, "Invalid money provider!");
// Money processing