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This page lists all the built-in global static functions that are evaluated at the time of building the Tact project and cannot work with non-constant runtime data. These functions are commonly referred to as “compile-time functions” or comptime functions for short.


fun address(s: String): Address;

A compile-time function that converts a String containing an address into the Address type and embeds it into the contract.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
addr: Address =
address("EQCD39VS5jcptHL8vMjEXrzGaRcCVYto7HUn4bpAOg8xqB2N"); // works at compile-time!


fun cell(bocBase64: String): Cell;

A compile-time function that embeds a base64-encoded BoC bocBase64 as a Cell into the contract.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
stored: Cell =
// Init package for Wallet V3R1 as a base64-encoded BoC
cell("te6cckEBAQEAYgAAwP8AIN0gggFMl7qXMO1E0NcLH+Ck8mCDCNcYINMf0x/TH/gjE7vyY+1E0NMf0x/T/9FRMrryoVFEuvKiBPkBVBBV+RDyo/gAkyDXSpbTB9QC+wDo0QGkyMsfyx/L/8ntVD++buA="); // works at compile-time!


Available since Tact 1.5

fun slice(bocBase64: String): Slice;

A compile-time function that embeds a base64-encoded BoC bocBase64 as a Slice into the contract.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
stored: Slice =
// Works at compile-time!
slice("te6cckEBAQEADgAAGEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkIXgtxbw="); // Hello world!


Available since Tact 1.5

fun rawSlice(hex: String): Slice;

A compile-time function that converts the hex String, containing hex-encoded and optionally bit-padded contents, into a Slice and embeds it into the contract.

Contents are bit-padded if there is an underscore _ at the very end of the String. Padding removes all trailing zeros and the last 11 bit before them:

// Not bit-padded
rawSlice("4a").loadUint(8); // 74, or 1001010 in binary
// Bit-padded
rawSlice("4a_").loadUint(6); // 18, or 10010 in binary

Note that this function is limited and only allows specifying up to 10231023 bits.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
stored: Slice =
rawSlice("000DEADBEEF000"); // CS{Cell{03f...430} bits: 588..644; refs: 1..1}
bitPadded: Slice =
rawSlice("000DEADBEEF000_"); // CS{Cell{03f...e14} bits: 36..79; refs: 0..0}


Available since Tact 1.5

fun ascii(str: String): Int;

A compile-time function that concatenates the hexadecimal values of the characters in str into one value and embeds the resulting Int into the contract. This function works only for strings occupying up to 3232 bytes, allowing the representation of up to 3232 ASCII codes or up to 88 Unicode code points of 44 bytes each.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
a: Int = ascii("a"); // 97 or 0x61, one byte in total
zap: Int = ascii("⚡"); // 14850721 or 0xE29AA1, 3 bytes in total
doubleZap: Int = ascii("⚡⚡"); // 249153768823457 or 0xE29AA1E29AA1, 6 bytes in total


Available since Tact 1.5

fun crc32(str: String): Int;

A compile-time function that computes a checksum using the CRC-32 algorithm and embeds the resulting Int value into the contract.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
checksum: Int = crc32("000DEADBEEF000"); // 1821923098


fun ton(value: String): Int;

A compile-time function that converts the given Toncoin value from a human-readable format String to the nanoToncoin Int format.

Usage example:

contract Example {
// Persistent state variables
one: Int = ton("1"); // One Toncoin, which is equivalent to 10^9 nanoToncoins
pointOne: Int = ton("0.1"); // 0.1 Toncoin, which is equivalent to 10^8 nanoToncoins
nano: Int = ton("0.000000001"); // 10^-9 Toncoin, which is equivalent to 1 nanoToncoin
// Works at compile-time!