

Contracts in Tact are similar to classes in popular object-oriented languages, except that their instances are deployed on the blockchain and they can't be passed around like Structs and Messages.


Contracts and traits have a built-in identifier self, which is used for referring to their fields (persistent state variables and constants) and methods (internal functions):

contract Example {
    // persistent state variables
    foo: Int;
    init() { = 42; // <- referencing variable foo through self.


Each contract can contain:

Furthermore, contracts can inherit all the declarations from traits and override some of their default behaviours.

Persistent state variables

Contracts can define state variables that persist between contract calls. Contracts in TON pay rent (opens in a new tab) in proportion to the amount of persistent space they consume, so compact representations via serialization are encouraged.

contract Example {
    // persistent state variables
    val: Int;              // Int
    val32: Int as uint32;  // Int serialized to an 32-bit unsigned
    mapVal: map<Int, Int>; // Int keys to Int values
    optVal: Int?;          // Int or null

State variables must have a default value or initialized in init() function, that runs on deployment of the contract. The only exception is persistent state variables of type map<k, v> since they are initialized empty by default.


Note, that Tact supports local, non-persistent-state variables too, see: Variable declaration.

Contract constants

Unlike variables, constants cannot change. Their values are calculated in compile-time and cannot change during execution.

There isn't much difference between constants defined outside of a contract (global constants) and inside the contract (contract constants). Those defined outside can be used by other contracts in your project.

Constant initializations must be relatively simple and only rely on values known during compilation. If you add two numbers for example, the compiler will calculate the result during build and put the result in your compiled code.

You can read constants both in receivers and in getters.

Unlike contract variables, contract constants don't consume space in persistent state. Their values are stored directly in the code Cell of the contract.

// global constants are calculared in compile-time and cannot change
const GlobalConst1: Int = 1000 + ton("42") + pow(10, 9);
contract Example {
    // contract constants are also calculated in compile-time and cannot change
    const ContractConst1: Int = 2000 + ton("43") pow(10, 9);
    // contract constants can be an easy alternative to enums
    const StateUnpaid: Int = 0;
    const StatePaid: Int = 1;
    const StateDelivered: Int = 2;
    const StateDisputed: Int = 3;
    // no need to init constants
    init() {}
    get fun sum(): Int {
        // access constants from anywhere
        return GlobalConst1 + self.ContractConst1 + self.StatePaid;

Read more about constants on their dedicated page: Constants.

Constructor function init()

On deployment of the contract, the constructor function init() is run.

If a contract has any persistent state variables without default values specified, it must initialize them in this function.

contract Example {
    // persistent state variables
    var1: Int = 0; // initialized with default value 0
    var2: Int;     // must be initialized in the init() function
    // constructor function
    init() {
        self.var2 = 42;

To obtain initial state of the target contract in internal functions, receivers or getters use initOf expression.

Getter functions

Getter functions are not accessible from other contracts and exported only to off-chain world.

Additionally, getters cannot modify the contract's state variables, only read their values and use them in expressions.

contract HelloWorld {
    foo: Int;
    init() { = 0;
    // getter function with return type Int
    get fun foo(): Int {
        return; // can't change here

Read more about them in their dedicated section: Getter functions

Receiver functions

Receiver functions in Tact can be one of the following three kinds:

  • receive(), which receive internal messages (from other contracts).
  • bounced(), which are called when outgoing message from this contract has bounced back.
  • external(), which don't have a sender and can be sent by anyone in the world.
message CanBounce {
    counter: Int;
contract HelloWorld {
    counter: Int;
    init() {
        self.counter = 0;
    get fun counter(): Int {
        return self.counter;
    // internal message receiver, which responds to a string message "increment"
    receive("increment") {
        self.counter += 1;
        // sending the message back to the sender
            to: sender(),
            value: 0,
            mode: SendRemainingValue | SendIgnoreErrors,
            body: CanBounce{counter: self.counter}.toCell()
    // bounced message receiver, which is called when the message bounces back to this contract
    bounced(src: bounced<MsBounced>) {
        self.counter = 0; // reset the counter in case message bounced
    // external message receiver, which responds to off-chain message "hello, it's me"
    external("hello, it's me") {
        // can't be replied to as there's no sender!
        self.counter = 0;

Internal functions

These functions behave similarly to private methods in popular object-oriented languages — they're internal to contracts and can be called by prefixing them with a special identifier self. That's why internal functions can sometimes be referred to as "contract methods".

Internal functions can access the contract's persistent state variables and constants.

They can only be called from receivers, getters and other internal functions, but not from other contracts or init().

contract Functions {
    val: Int = 0;
    init() {}
    // this contract method can only be called from within this contract and access its variables
    fun onlyZeros() {
        require(self.val == 0, "Only zeros are permitted!");
    // receiver function, which calls the internal function onlyZeros
    receive("only zeros") {

Note, that Tact supports other kinds of functions too, see: Functions.