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Context and state

Contextual and state-related functions and structs.



fun now(): Int;

Returns the current Unix time.

Usage example:

let timeOffset: Int = now() + 1000; // thousand seconds from now()


Available since Tact 1.6

fun curLt(): Int;

Returns the Int value of the logical time of the current transaction.

Usage example:

let lt: Int = curLt();
nativeRandomize(lt); // Equivalent to calling nativeRandomizeLt()


Available since Tact 1.6

fun blockLt(): Int;

Returns the Int value of the starting logical time of the current block.

Usage example:

let time: Int = blockLt();

Incoming message


fun sender(): Address;

Returns the Address of the sender of the current message.

Usage example:

contract MeSee {
receive() {
let whoSentMeMessage: Address = sender();


fun context(): Context;

Returns Context struct, which consists of:

bounceableBoolIndicates whether the received message can bounce back.
senderAddressInternal address of the sender on the TON Blockchain.
valueIntAmount of nanoToncoin in the received message.
rawSliceThe remainder of the received message as a Slice. It follows the internal message layout of TON, starting from the destination Address (MsgAddressInt in TL-B notation).

Usage example:

let ctx: Context = context();
require(ctx.value != 68 + 1, "Invalid amount of nanoToncoins, bye!");


extends fun readForwardFee(self: Context): Int;

Extension function for the Context struct.

Reads the forward fee and returns it as an Int amount of nanoToncoin.

Usage example:

let fwdFee: Int = context().readForwardFee();

Contract and transaction state


fun myAddress(): Address;

Returns the address of the current smart contract as an Address.

Usage example:

let meMyselfAndI: Address = myAddress();


Available since Tact 1.6

fun myCode(): Cell;

Returns the smart contract code Cell obtained from the c7 register.

Usage example:

let code: Cell = myCode();


Available since Tact 1.5

fun myStorageDue(): Int;

Returns the nanoToncoin Int amount of the accumulated storage fee debt. Storage fees are deducted from the incoming message value before the new contract balance is calculated.

Usage example:

let debt: Int = myStorageDue();


fun myBalance(): Int;

Returns the nanoToncoin Int balance of the smart contract as it was at the start of the compute phase of the current transaction.

Usage example:

let iNeedADolla: Int = myBalance();


Available since Tact 1.5

fun gasConsumed(): Int;

Returns the nanoToncoin Int amount of gas consumed by TVM in the current transaction so far. The resulting value includes the cost of calling this function.

Usage example:

let gas: Int = gasConsumed();



fun nativeReserve(amount: Int, mode: Int);

Executes the native RAWRESERVE instruction with the specified amount and mode. The RAWRESERVE instruction creates an output action to reserve a specific amount of nanoToncoin from the remaining balance of the account.

The RAWRESERVE instruction takes two arguments:

  • amount: The number of nanoToncoin to reserve.
  • mode: Determines the reservation behavior.

The RAWRESERVE instruction is roughly equivalent to creating an outbound message carrying the specified amount of nanoToncoin (or b - amount nanoToncoin, where b is the remaining balance) to oneself. This ensures that subsequent output actions cannot spend more money than the remainder.

It is possible to use raw Int values and manually provide them for the mode, but for your convenience, there’s a set of constants you may use to construct the compound mode with ease. Take a look at the following tables for more information on base modes and optional flags.

Base modes

The resulting mode value can have the following base modes:

Mode valueConstant nameDescription
00ReserveExactReserves exactly the specified amount of nanoToncoin.
11ReserveAllExceptReserves all but the specified amount of nanoToncoin.
22ReserveAtMostReserves at most the specified amount of nanoToncoin.

Optional flags

Additionally, the resulting mode can have the following optional flags added:

Flag valueConstant nameDescription
+4+4ReserveAddOriginalBalanceIncreases the amount by the original balance of the current account (before the compute phase), including all extra currencies.
+8+8ReserveInvertSignNegates the amount value before performing the reservation.
+16+16ReserveBounceIfActionFailBounces the transaction if the reservation fails.

Combining modes with flags

To construct the Int value for the mode parameter, combine base modes with optional flags by applying the bitwise OR operation:

nativeReserve(ton("0.1"), ReserveExact | ReserveBounceIfActionFail);
// ---------- ----------------------------------------
// ↑ ↑
// | mode, which would bounce the transaction if exact reservation fails
// amount of nanoToncoins to reserve


fun commit();

Commits the current state of registers c4 (persistent data) and c5 (actions), so that the current execution is considered “successful” with the saved values even if an exception in the compute phase is thrown later.

Usage example:

commit(); // now, transaction is considered "successful"
throw(42); // and this won't fail it

Blockchain state


fun getConfigParam(id: Int): Cell?;

Loads a configuration parameter of TON Blockchain by its id number.

Usage examples:

// Parameter 0, address of a special smart contract that stores the blockchain's configuration
let configAddrAsCell: Cell = getConfigParam(0)!!;
// Parameter 18, configuration for determining the prices for data storage
let dataStorageFeeConfig: Cell = getConfigParam(18)!!;