represents a standard smart contract address on TON Blockchain.
See also: myAddress()
function in the context and state reference.
Gas-expensivefun newAddress(chain: Int, hash: Int): Address;
Creates a new Address
based on the chain
ID and the SHA-256 encoded hash
value (account ID).
This function tries to resolve constant values at compile-time whenever possible.
Attempts to specify an invalid chain
ID (not -1 or 0) detectable at compile-time will result in a compilation error.
Usage example:
let oldTonFoundationAddr: Address = newAddress(0, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8); // ↑ ↑ // | SHA-256 hash of contract's init package (StateInit) // chain ID: 0 is a workchain, -1 is a masterchain
Gas-expensivefun contractAddress(s: StateInit): Address;
Computes the smart contract’s Address
in the workchain ID 0 (basechain) using the StateInit
of the contract. An alias to contractAddressExt(0, s.code,
Usage example:
let s: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let foundMeSome: Address = contractAddress(s);let andSomeMore: Address = contractAddressExt(0, s.code,;
foundMeSome == andSomeMore; // true
Gas-expensivefun contractAddressExt(chain: Int, code: Cell, data: Cell): Address;
Computes the smart contract’s Address
in the given chain
ID using the contract’s code
and its initial state data
. Use the initOf
expression to obtain the initial code
and initial data
of a given contract.
This function tries to resolve constant values at compile-time whenever possible.
Attempts to specify an invalid chain
ID (not -1 or 0) that can be detected at compile-time will result in a compilation error.
Usage example:
let initPkg: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let hereBeDragons: Address = contractAddressExt(0, initPkg.code,;
Available since Tact 1.6fun contractHash(code: Cell, data: Cell): Int;
Computes and returns an Int
value of the SHA-256 hash of the code
and data
of the given contract. To assemble the code
and data
cells together for hashing, the standard Cell
representation is used.
This hash is commonly called the account ID. Together with the workchain ID, it deterministically forms the address of the contract on TON Blockchain.
Usage example:
let initPkg: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let accountId: Int = contractHash(initPkg.code,;let basechainAddr: Address = newAddress(0, accountId);let basechainAddr2: Address = contractAddressExt(0, initPkg.code,;
basechainAddr == basechainAddr2; // true
Available since Tact 1.6.3fun forceBasechain(address: Address);
Checks whether the address
is in the basechain, i.e., its chain ID is 0. If it is not, throws an exception with exit code 138: Not a basechain address
Usage examples:
let someBasechainAddress: Address = newAddress(0, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8);
let someMasterchainAddress: Address = newAddress(-1, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8);
// Does not throw because the chain ID is 0forceBasechain(someBasechainAddress);
try { // Throws because the chain ID is -1 (masterchain) forceBasechain(someMasterchainAddress);} catch (exitCode) { // exitCode is 138}
Available since Tact 1.6.4fun forceWorkchain(address: Address, workchain: Int, errorCode: Int);
Parameterized version of forceBasechain()
Checks whether the address
is in the workchain
, i.e., its chain ID is equal to workchain
. If it is not, throws an exception with exit code errorCode
Usage examples:
let someBasechainAddress: Address = newAddress(0, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8);
let someMasterchainAddress: Address = newAddress(-1, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8);
// Does not throw because the chain ID matches workchain parameterforceWorkchain(someBasechainAddress, 0, 593);forceWorkchain(someMasterchainAddress, -1, 593);
try { // Throws because the chain ID is 0 which doesn't match the workchain parameter, -1 forceWorkchain(someBasechainAddress, -1, 593);} catch (exitCode) { // exitCode is 593}
Available since Tact 1.5fun parseStdAddress(slice: Slice): StdAddress;
Converts a slice
containing an address into the StdAddress
struct and returns it.
The StdAddress
is a built-in struct that consists of:
Field | Type | Description |
workchain | Int as int8 | Workchain ID of the address, usually (basechain) or (masterchain) |
address | Int as uint256 | Address in the specified workchain |
Attempts to pass a Slice
with a layout different from the StdAddress
or to load more data than the given Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let addr = address("EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2");let parsedAddr = parseStdAddress(addr.asSlice());
parsedAddr.workchain; // 0parsedAddr.address; // 107...lots of digits...287
// Using newAddress() function with the contents of StdAddress will yield the initial Address:let addr2: Address = newAddress(parsedAddr.workchain, parsedAddr.address);addr2 == addr; // true
Available since Tact 1.5fun parseVarAddress(slice: Slice): VarAddress;
Converts a slice
containing an address of variable length into the VarAddress
struct and returns it.
The VarAddress
is a built-in struct consisting of:
Field | Type | Description |
workchain | Int as int32 | Workchain ID of the variable-length address |
address | Slice | Address in the specified workchain |
Attempts to pass a Slice
with a layout different from the VarAddress
or to load more data than the given Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let varAddrSlice = beginCell() .storeUint(6, 3) // to recognize the following as a VarAddress .storeUint(123, 9) // make address occupy 123 bits .storeUint(234, 32) // specify workchain ID of 234 .storeUint(345, 123) // specify address of 345 .asSlice();let parsedVarAddr = parseVarAddress(varAddrSlice);
parsedVarAddr.workchain; // 234parsedVarAddr.address; // CS{Cell{002...2b3} bits: 44..167; refs: 0..0}parsedVarAddr.address.loadUint(123); // 345
Available since Tact 1.6.1extends fun hasSameBasechainAddress(self: StateInit, sender: Address): Bool;
Extension function for the StateInit
Efficiently compares whether the given address matches the basechain address of the contract. Returns true if the addresses are the same; false otherwise.
fun example() { let init = initOf SomeContract(); init.hasSameBasechainAddress(sender()); // returns true if sender matches contract's basechain address}
This function provides a gas-optimized implementation compared to direct address comparison:
fun example() { let init = initOf SomeContract(); sender() == contractAddress(sender()); // less efficient approach}
extends fun asSlice(self: Address): Slice;
Extension function for the Address
Casts the Address
back to the underlying Slice
and returns it. The inverse of Slice.asAddressUnsafe()
Usage example:
let a: Address = myAddress();let fizz: Slice = beginCell().storeAddress(a).asSlice();let buzz: Slice = a.asSlice(); // cheap, unlike the previous statement
fizz == buzz; // true
Gas-expensiveextends fun toString(self: Address): String;
Extension function for the Address
Returns a String
from an Address
Usage example:
let community: Address = address("UQDpXLZKrkHsOuE_C1aS69C697wE568vTnqSeRfBXZfvmVOo");let fizz: String = community.toString();
Available since Tact 1.6struct BasechainAddress { hash: Int?;}
Struct representing a basechain address.
A basechain address (workchain ) can be either empty (null hash) or contain a 256-bit hash value.
Available since Tact 1.6inline fun emptyBasechainAddress(): BasechainAddress;
Creates and returns an empty basechain address with a null hash.
When serialized, an empty basechain address is represented as addr_none
Usage example:
fun example() { let emptyAddr: BasechainAddress = emptyBasechainAddress(); emptyAddr.hash == null; // true}
Available since Tact 1.6inline fun newBasechainAddress(hash: Int): BasechainAddress;
Creates and returns a new basechain address with the specified hash value.
Usage example:
fun example() { let addr: BasechainAddress = newBasechainAddress(0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8);}
Available since Tact 1.6inline fun contractBasechainAddress(s: StateInit): BasechainAddress;
Creates and returns a basechain address derived from a contract’s StateInit
(code and data).
Usage example:
fun example() { let code: Cell = loadCell(); // load contract code let data: Cell = loadCell(); // load contract data let state: StateInit = StateInit { code, data }; let addr: BasechainAddress = contractBasechainAddress(state);}