

List of functions commonly used for debugging smart contracts in Tact.


Read more about debugging on the dedicated page: Debugging.


fun require(condition: Bool, error: String);

Checks the condition and throws an exception with error message if the condition is false. Does nothing otherwise.


Note, that as of this moment, require() generates its own non-standard exit codes. However, they're all outside of the common range 02550 - 255 reserved for TVM and Tact contract errors, which makes it possible to distinguish exit codes from require() and any other standard exit codes.

Usage examples:

// now() has to return a value greater than 1000, otherwise an error message will be thrown
require(now() > 1000, "We're in the first 1000 seconds of 1 January 1970!");
try {
    // The following will never be true, so this require would always throw
    require(now() < -1, "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.");
} catch (e) {
    // e will be outside of range 0-255


fun dump(arg);

Prints the argument arg to the contract's debug console. Evaluated only if the debug option in the configuration file is set to true, otherwise does nothing.

Can be applied to the following list of types and values:

Usage examples:

// Int
// Bool
// Address
// Builder, Cell or Slice
dump(beginCell());           // Builder
dump(emptyCell());           // Cell
dump(emptyCell().asSlice()); // Slice
// String or StringBuilder
dump("Hello, my name is..."); // String
dump(beginTailString());      // StringBuilder
// Maps
let m: map<Int, Int> = emptyMap();
m.set(2 + 2, 4);
// Special values
dump(emit("msg".asComment())); // As emit() function doesn't return a value, dump() would print #DEBUG#: void.


fun dumpStack();

Prints all the values of persistent state variables to the contract's debug console. Evaluated only if debug option is set in the configuration file, otherwise does nothing.

Usage example:

contract DumpsterFire {
    var1: Int = 0;
    var2: Int = 5;
    receive() {
        dumpStack(); // would print 0 5


fun throw(code: Int);

An alias to nativeThrow().


fun nativeThrow(code: Int);

Throws an exception with an error code equal to code. Execution of the current context stops (the statements after nativeThrow won't be executed) and control will be passed to the first try...catch block in the call stack. If no try or try...catch block exists among caller functions, TVM (opens in a new tab) will terminate the transaction.

Usage examples:

fun thisWillTerminate() {
    nativeThrow(42); // throwing with exit code 42
fun butThisDoesNot() {
    try {
        nativeThrow(42); // throwing with exit code 42
    // ... follow-up logic ...


fun nativeThrowIf(code: Int, condition: Bool);

Similar to nativeThrow(), but throws an exception conditionally, when condition is equal to true. Doesn't throw otherwise.

Usage examples:

fun thisWillTerminate() {
    nativeThrowIf(42, true); // throwing with exit code 42
fun butThisDoesNot() {
    try {
        nativeThrowIf(42, true); // throwing with exit code 42
    // ... follow-up logic ...


fun nativeThrowUnless(code: Int, condition: Bool);

Similar to nativeThrow(), but throws an exception conditionally, when condition is equal to false. Doesn't throw otherwise.

Usage examples:

fun thisWillTerminate() {
    nativeThrowUnless(42, false); // throwing with exit code 42
fun butThisDoesNot() {
    try {
        nativeThrowUnless(42, false); // throwing with exit code 42
    // ... follow-up logic ...