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Data structures

Data structures are formats for data organization, management, and storage that are usually chosen for efficient access to data. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data.

This page lists a handy collection of data structures implemented in Tact for your day-to-day needs and beyond.

All of the data structures listed here are made using the built-in map<K, V> type. For a description and basic usage of maps, see the dedicated page in the Book.


An array is a data structure consisting of a continuous block of memory, which represents a collection of elements of the same memory size, each identified by at least one array key or index.

The following example emulates an array using a map<Int, V> wrapped in a Struct, where V can be any of the allowed value types of the map:

struct Array {
m: map<Int as uint16, Int>; // array of Int values as a map of Ints to Ints,
// with serialization of its keys to uint16 to save space
length: Int = 0; // length of the array, defaults to 0
// Compile-time constant upper bound for our map representing an array.
const MaxArraySize: Int = 5_000; // 5,000 entries max, to stay reasonably far from limits
// Extension mutation function for adding new entries to the end of the array
extends mutates fun append(self: Array, item: Int) {
require(self.length + 1 <= MaxArraySize, "No space in the array left for new items!");
self.m.set(self.length, item); // set the entry (key-value pair)
self.length += 1; // increase the length field
// Extension mutation function for inserting new entries at the given index
extends mutates fun insert(self: Array, item: Int, idx: Int) {
require(self.length + 1 <= MaxArraySize, "No space in the array left for new items!");
require(idx >= 0, "Index of the item cannot be negative!");
require(idx < self.length, "Index is out of array bounds!");
// Move all items from idx to the right
let i: Int = self.length; // not a typo, as we need to start from the non-existing place
while (i > idx) {
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure the value would be there
self.m.set(i, self.m.get(i - 1)!!);
i -= 1;
// Insert the new item
self.m.set(idx, item); // set the entry (key-value pair)
self.length += 1; // increase the length field
// Extension function for getting the value at the given index
extends fun getIdx(self: Array, idx: Int): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the array!");
require(idx >= 0, "Index of the item cannot be negative!");
require(idx < self.length, "Index is out of array bounds!");
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure the value would be there
return self.m.get(idx)!!;
// Extension function for returning the last value
extends fun getLast(self: Array): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the array!");
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure the value would be there
return self.m.get(self.length - 1)!!;
// Extension mutation function for deleting an entry at the given index and returning its value
extends mutates fun deleteIdx(self: Array, idx: Int): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the array to delete!");
require(idx >= 0, "Index of the item cannot be negative!");
require(idx < self.length, "Index is out of array bounds!");
// Remember the value that is going to be deleted
let memorized: Int = self.m.get(idx)!!;
// Move all items from idx onwards to the left
let i: Int = idx;
while (i + 1 < self.length) {
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure the value would be there
self.m.set(i, self.m.get(i + 1)!!);
i += 1;
self.m.set(self.length - 1, null); // delete the last entry
self.length -= 1; // decrease the length field
return memorized;
// Extension mutation function for deleting the last entry and returning its value
extends fun deleteLast(self: Array): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the array!");
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure the value would be there
let lastItem: Int = self.m.get(self.length - 1)!!;
self.m.set(self.length - 1, null); // delete the entry
self.length -= 1; // decrease the length field
return lastItem;
// Extension function for deleting all items in the Array
extends mutates fun deleteAll(self: Array) {
self.m = emptyMap();
self.length = 0;
// Global static function for creating an empty Array
fun emptyArray(): Array {
return Array{m: emptyMap(), length: 0}; // length defaults to 0
// Contract emulating an Array using the map
contract MapAsArray {
// Persistent state variables
array: Array;
// Constructor (initialization) function of the contract
init() {
self.array = emptyArray();
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a `null` message body
// If used for deployment, forwards the remaining value back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "append"
receive("append") {
// Add a new item
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "delete_5th"
receive("delete_5th") {
// Remove the 5th item if it exists and reply back with its value, or raise an error
self.reply(self.array.deleteIdx(4).toCoinsString().asComment()); // index offset 0 + 4 gives the 5th item
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "del_last"
receive("del_last") {
// Remove the last item and reply back with its value, or raise an error
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "get_last"
receive("get_last") {
// Reply back with the latest item in the array if it exists, or raise an error
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "delete_all"
receive("delete_all") {
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A stack is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements with two main operations:

  • push, which adds an element to the end of the collection
  • pop, which removes the most recently added element

The following example emulates a stack using a map<Int, V> wrapped in a Struct, where V can be any of the allowed value types of the map:

struct Stack {
m: map<Int as uint16, Int>; // stack of Int values as a map of Ints to Ints,
// with serialization of its keys to uint16 to save space
length: Int = 0; // length of the stack, defaults to 0
// Compile-time constant upper bound for our map representing a stack.
const MaxStackSize: Int = 5_000; // 5,000 entries max, to stay reasonably far from limits
// Extension mutation function for adding new entries to the end of the stack
extends mutates fun push(self: Stack, item: Int) {
require(self.length + 1 <= MaxStackSize, "No space in the stack left for new items!");
self.m.set(self.length, item); // set the entry (key-value pair)
self.length += 1; // increase the length field
// Extension mutation function for deleting the last entry and returning its value
extends mutates fun pop(self: Stack): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the stack to delete!");
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure that the value will be there
let lastItem: Int = self.m.get(self.length - 1)!!;
self.m.set(self.length - 1, null); // delete the entry
self.length -= 1; // decrease the length field
return lastItem;
// Extension function for returning the last value
extends fun peek(self: Stack): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the stack!");
// Note that we use the !! operator, as we know for sure that the value will be there
return self.m.get(self.length - 1)!!;
// Extension function for deleting all items in the Stack
extends mutates fun deleteAll(self: Stack) {
self.m = emptyMap();
self.length = 0;
// Global static function for creating an empty Stack
fun emptyStack(): Stack {
return Stack{m: emptyMap(), length: 0}; // length defaults to 0
contract MapAsStack {
// Persistent state variables
stack: Stack; // our stack, which uses the map
// Constructor (initialization) function of the contract
init() {
self.stack = emptyStack();
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a `null` message body
// If used for deployment, forwards the remaining value back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "push"
receive("push") {
// Add a new item
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "pop"
receive("pop") {
// Remove the last item and reply with it
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "peek"
receive("peek") {
// Reply back with the latest item in the map if it exists, or raise an error
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "delete_all"
receive("delete_all") {
// Getter function for obtaining the stack
get fun stack(): map<Int as uint16, Int> {
return self.stack.m;
// Getter function for obtaining the current length of the stack
get fun length(): Int {
return self.stack.length;
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Circular buffer

A circular buffer (circular queue, cyclic buffer, or ring buffer) is a data structure that uses a single, fixed-size buffer as if it were connected end-to-end.

The following example emulates a circular buffer using a map<Int, V> wrapped in a Struct, where V can be any of the allowed value types of the map:

struct CircularBuffer {
m: map<Int as uint8, Int>; // circular buffer of Int values as a map of Ints to Ints,
// with serialization of its keys to uint8 to save space
length: Int = 0; // length of the circular buffer; defaults to 0
start: Int = 0; // current index into the circular buffer; defaults to 0
// Compile-time constant upper bound for our map representing a circular buffer.
const MaxCircularBufferSize: Int = 5;
// Extension mutation function for putting new items into the circular buffer
extends mutates fun put(self: CircularBuffer, item: Int) {
if (self.length < MaxCircularBufferSize) {
self.m.set(self.length, item); // store the item
self.length += 1; // increase the length field
} else {
self.m.set(self.start, item); // store the item, overriding previous entry
self.start = (self.start + 1) % MaxCircularBufferSize; // update starting position
// Extension mutation function for getting an item from the circular buffer
extends mutates fun getIdx(self: CircularBuffer, idx: Int): Int {
require(self.length > 0, "No items in the circular buffer!");
require(idx >= 0, "Index of the item cannot be negative!");
if (self.length < MaxCircularBufferSize) {
// Note that we use the !! operator as we know for sure that the value will be there
return self.m.get(idx % self.length)!!;
// Return the value rotating around the circular buffer, also guaranteed to be there
return self.m.get((self.start + idx) % MaxCircularBufferSize)!!;
// Extension function for iterating over all items in the circular buffer and dumping them to the console
extends fun printAll(self: CircularBuffer) {
let i: Int = self.start;
repeat (self.length) {
dump(self.m.get(i)!!); // !! tells the compiler this can't be null
i = (i + 1) % MaxCircularBufferSize;
// Extension function for deleting all items from the CircularBuffer
extends mutates fun deleteAll(self: CircularBuffer) {
self.m = emptyMap();
self.length = 0;
self.start = 0;
// Global static function for creating an empty CircularBuffer
fun emptyCircularBuffer(): CircularBuffer {
return CircularBuffer{m: emptyMap(), length: 0, start: 0}; // length and start default to 0
// This contract records the last 5 timestamps of when a "timer" message was received
contract MapAsCircularBuffer {
// Persistent state variables
cBuf: CircularBuffer; // our circular buffer, which uses a map
// Constructor (initialization) function of the contract
init() {
self.cBuf = emptyCircularBuffer();
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a `null` message body
// If used for deployment, forwards the remaining value back to the sender
receive() { cashback(sender()) }
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "timer"
// and records the timestamp when it receives such a message
receive("timer") {
let timestamp: Int = now();
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "get_first"
// and replies with the first item of the circular buffer
receive("get_first") {
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "print_all"
receive("print_all") {
// Internal message receiver, which responds to a String message "delete_all"
receive("delete_all") {
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