Cells, Builders and Slices
is a low-level primitive that represents data in TON Blockchain. Cells consist of bits of data with up to references to other cells. They are read-only and immutable, and cannot have cyclic references.
is an immutable primitive to construct cells, and Slice
is a mutable primitive to parse them.
fun beginCell(): Builder;
Creates a new empty Builder
Usage example:
let fizz: Builder = beginCell();
fun emptyCell(): Cell;
Creates and returns an empty Cell
(without data and references). An alias to beginCell().endCell()
Usage example:
let fizz: Cell = emptyCell();let buzz: Cell = beginCell().endCell();
fizz == buzz; // true
fun emptySlice(): Slice;
Creates and returns an empty Slice
(without data and references). An alias to emptyCell().asSlice()
Usage example:
let fizz: Slice = emptySlice();let buzz: Slice = emptyCell().asSlice();
fizz == buzz; // true
A section to group all extension and extension mutation functions for the Cell
extends fun beginParse(self: Cell): Slice;
Extension function for the Cell
Opens the Cell
for parsing and returns it as a Slice
Usage example:
let c: Cell = emptyCell();let fizz: Slice = c.beginParse();
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun depth(self: Cell?): Int;
Extension function for the Cell
Computes and returns the Int
depth of the Cell
. Produces if the Cell
has no references. Otherwise, it returns plus the maximum of the depths of the referenced cells. If self
is null
, returns .
Usage example:
let c: Cell = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).endCell();let depth: Int = c.depth(); // 0
Gas-expensive Available since Tact 1.6extends fun computeDataSize(self: Cell?, maxCells: Int): DataSize;
Extension function for the Cell
Computes and returns the number of distinct cells, bits, and refs in the Cell
by using a depth-first search (DFS) algorithm, recursively traversing each referenced cell. This function is computationally expensive and can consume a lot of gas. If self
is null
, returns a DataSize
with all fields set to .
The results are packed into a DataSize
Struct consisting of:
Field | Type | Description |
cells | Int | The total number of nested cells, including the starting one |
bits | Int | The total number of bits in all nested cells, including the starting one |
refs | Int | The total number of refs in all nested cells, including the starting one |
If the specified maxCells
value is insufficient to traverse all cells including the starting one, an exception with exit code 8 is thrown: Cell overflow
Attempts to specify a negative value for maxCells
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let c: Cell = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).storeRef(emptyCell()).endCell();try { let dataSize: DataSize = c.computeDataSize(2); dataSize.cells; // 2 dataSize.bits; // 7 dataSize.refs; // 1} catch (exitCode) { // if maxCells was insufficient to traverse the cell // and all of its references, the exitCode here would be 8}
extends fun hash(self: Cell): Int;
Extension function for the Cell
Calculates and returns an Int
value of the SHA-256 hash of the standard Cell
representation of the given Cell
Usage example:
let c: Cell = emptyCell();let fizz: Int = c.hash();
extends fun asSlice(self: Cell): Slice;
Extension function for the Cell
Converts the Cell to a Slice
and returns it. An alias to self.beginParse()
Usage example:
let c: Cell = emptyCell();let fizz: Slice = c.asSlice();
A section to group all extension and extension mutation functions for the Builder
Gas-expensiveextends fun endCell(self: Builder): Cell;
Extension function for the Builder
Converts a Builder
into an ordinary Cell
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Cell = b.endCell();
extends fun storeUint(self: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores an unsigned bits
-bit value
into the copy of the Builder
for 0 ≤ bits
≤ 256. Returns that copy.
Attempts to store a negative value
or provide an insufficient or out-of-bounds bits
number throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeUint(42, 6);
extends fun storeInt(self: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores a signed bits
-bit value
into the copy of the Builder
for 0 ≤ bits
≤ 257. Returns that copy.
Attempts to provide an insufficient or out-of-bounds bits
number throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeInt(42, 7);
extends fun storeBool(self: Builder, value: Bool): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores a Bool
into the copy of the Builder
. Writes as a single bit if value
is true
, and writes otherwise. Returns that copy of the Builder
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeBool(true); // writes 1let buzz: Builder = b.storeBool(false); // writes 0
Available since Tact 1.5extends fun storeBit(self: Builder, value: Bool): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
An alias to Builder.storeBool()
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeBit(true); // writes 1let buzz: Builder = b.storeBit(false); // writes 0
extends fun storeBuilder(self: Builder, cell: Builder): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Appends all data from a Builder
to a copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell().storeCoins(42);let fizz: Builder = beginCell().storeBuilder(b);b.endCell() == fizz.endCell(); // true
extends fun storeSlice(self: Builder, slice: Slice): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores a slice
into a copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let s: Slice = emptyCell().asSlice();let fizz: Builder = b.storeSlice(s);
extends fun storeCoins(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores (serializes) an unsigned Int
in the range from to inclusive into a copy of the Builder
. The serialization of value
consists of a -bit unsigned big-endian integer , which is the smallest integer such that value
, followed by an -bit unsigned big-endian representation of value
. Returns that copy of the Builder
Attempts to store an out-of-bounds value
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
This is the most common way of storing nanoToncoins.
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeCoins(42);
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun storeVarUint16(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
An alias to Builder.storeCoins()
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeVarUint16(42);
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun storeVarInt16(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Similar to Builder.storeCoins()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to store an out-of-bounds value
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeVarInt16(-42);
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun storeVarUint32(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores (serializes) an unsigned Int
in the range from to inclusive into a copy of the Builder
. The serialization of value
consists of a -bit unsigned big-endian integer , which is the smallest integer such that value
, followed by an -bit unsigned big-endian representation of value
. Returns that copy of the Builder
Attempts to store an out-of-bounds value
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeVarUint32(420000);
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun storeVarInt32(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Similar to Builder.storeVarUint32()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to store an out-of-bounds value
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeVarInt32(-420000);
extends fun storeAddress(self: Builder, address: Address): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores the address
in a copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
Attempts to store an address
into the Builder
, if self
cannot fit it, throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeAddress(myAddress());
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun storeBasechainAddress(self: Builder, address: BasechainAddress): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores the basechain address
in the copy of the Builder
and returns that copy.
If the address has a null
hash, stores (addr_none
Otherwise, store the full address with prefix followed by workchain () and the 256-bit hash.
Usage example:
fun example() { let addr: BasechainAddress = newBasechainAddress(0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8); let b: Builder = beginCell(); let b2: Builder = b.storeBasechainAddress(addr);}
extends fun storeRef(self: Builder, cell: Cell): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
Stores a reference cell
into a copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
As a single Cell
can store up to references, attempts to store more throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b.storeRef(emptyCell());
Available since Tact 1.5extends fun storeMaybeRef(self: Builder, cell: Cell?): Builder;
Extension function for the Builder
If the cell
is not null
, stores as a single bit and then a reference to cell
into a copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
If the cell
is null
, stores only as a single bit into the copy of the Builder
. Returns that copy.
As a single Cell
can store up to references, attempts to store more throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Builder = b .storeMaybeRef(emptyCell()) // stores a single 1 bit, then an empty cell .storeMaybeRef(null); // stores only a single 0 bit
extends fun refs(self: Builder): Int;
Extension function for the Builder
Returns the number of cell references already stored in the Builder
as an Int
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Int = b.refs(); // 0
extends fun bits(self: Builder): Int;
Extension function for the Builder
Returns the number of data bits already stored in the Builder
as an Int
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Int = b.bits(); // 0
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun depth(self: Builder): Int;
Extension function for the Builder
Computes and returns the Int
depth of the Builder
. Produces if the Builder
has no references stored so far, otherwise plus the maximum depth of the referenced cells.
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7);let depth: Int = b.depth(); // 0
extends fun asSlice(self: Builder): Slice;
Extension function for the Builder
Converts the Builder
into a Slice
and returns it. An alias to self.endCell().beginParse()
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Slice = b.asSlice();
extends fun asCell(self: Builder): Cell;
Extension function for the Builder
Converts the Builder
into a Cell
and returns it. An alias to self.endCell()
Usage example:
let b: Builder = beginCell();let fizz: Cell = b.asCell();
A section to group all extension and extension mutation functions for the Slice
extends mutates fun loadUint(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads and returns an unsigned l
-bit Int
from the Slice
, for .
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeUint(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7);
extends fun preloadUint(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads and returns an unsigned l
-bit Int
from the Slice
, for . Doesn’t modify the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeUint(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.preloadUint(7);
extends mutates fun loadInt(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads and returns a signed l
-bit Int
from the Slice
, for .
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadInt(7);
extends fun preloadInt(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads and returns a signed l
-bit Int
from the Slice
, for . Doesn’t modify the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.preloadInt(7);
extends mutates fun loadBits(self: Slice, l: Int): Slice;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads l
bits from the Slice
and returns them as a separate Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Slice = s.loadBits(7);
extends fun preloadBits(self: Slice, l: Int): Slice;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads l
bits from the Slice
and returns them as a separate Slice
. Doesn’t modify the original Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let fizz: Slice = s.preloadBits(7);
extends mutates fun skipBits(self: Slice, l: Int);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads all but the first l
bits from the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();s.skipBits(5); // all but first 5 bitslet fizz: Slice = s.loadBits(1); // load only 1 bit
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun skipLastBits(self: Slice, len: Int);
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads all but the last len
bits from the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds len
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let allButLastFive: Slice = s.skipLastBits(5); // all but last 5 bits, // i.e. only the first 2
extends mutates fun loadBool(self: Slice): Bool;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads a single bit and returns a Bool
value from the Slice
. Reads true
if the loaded bit is equal to , and reads false
Attempts to load such Bool
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeBool(true).asSlice();let fizz: Bool = s.loadBool(); // true
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipBool(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips a single bit from the Slice
. Similar to discarding the return value of Slice.loadBool()
Attempts to skip such Bool
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeBool(true) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipBool();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
Available since Tact 1.5extends mutates fun loadBit(self: Slice): Bool;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
An alias to Slice.loadBool()
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeBit(true).asSlice();let fizz: Bool = s.loadBit(); // true
extends mutates fun loadCoins(self: Slice): Int;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads and returns a serialized unsigned Int
value in the range from to inclusive from the Slice
. This value usually represents the amount in nanoToncoins.
Attempts to load such Int
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeCoins(42).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadCoins(); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipCoins(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips a serialized unsigned Int
value in the range from to inclusive from the Slice
. Similar to discarding the return value of Slice.loadCoins()
Attempts to skip such Int
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeCoins(239) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipCoins();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6extends mutates fun loadVarUint16(self: Slice): Int;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
An alias to Slice.loadCoins()
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeVarUint16(42).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadVarUint16(); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipVarUint16(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Alias to Slice.skipCoins()
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeVarUint16(239) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipVarUint16();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6extends mutates fun loadVarInt16(self: Slice): Int;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Similar to Slice.loadCoins()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to load such Int
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeVarInt16(-42).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadVarInt16(); // -42
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipVarInt16(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Similar to Slice.skipCoins()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to skip such Int
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeVarInt16(-239) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipVarInt16();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6extends mutates fun loadVarUint32(self: Slice): Int;
Loads and returns a serialized unsigned Int
value in the range from to inclusive from the Slice
Attempts to load such Int
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeVarUint32(420000).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadVarUint32(); // 420000
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipVarUint32(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips a serialized unsigned Int
value in the range from to inclusive from the Slice
. Similar to discarding the return value of Slice.loadVarUint32()
Attempts to skip such Int
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeVarUint32(239) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipVarUint32();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6extends mutates fun loadVarInt32(self: Slice): Int;
Similar to Slice.loadVarUint32()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to load such Int
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeVarInt32(-420000).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.loadVarInt32(); // -420000
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipVarInt32(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Similar to Slice.skipVarUint32()
, but with a different value
range: from to inclusive.
Attempts to skip such Int
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell() .storeVarInt32(-239) .storeUint(42, 7) .asSlice();
s.skipVarInt32();let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7); // 42
extends mutates fun loadAddress(self: Slice): Address;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads and returns an Address
from the Slice
Attempts to load such Address
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeAddress(myAddress()).asSlice();let fizz: Address = s.loadAddress();
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipAddress(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips an Address
from the Slice
Attempts to skip such Address
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s1: Slice = beginCell() .storeAddress(myAddress()) .storeUint(42, 32) .asSlice();
s1.skipAddress();let fizz: Int = s1.loadUint(32); // 42
extends mutates fun loadRef(self: Slice): Cell;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads the next reference from the Slice
as a Cell
Attempts to load such reference Cell
when Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
let s1: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Cell = s1.loadRef();
let s2: Slice = beginCell() .storeRef(emptyCell()) .storeRef(s1.asCell()) .asSlice();let ref1: Cell = s2.loadRef();let ref2: Cell = s2.loadRef();ref1 == ref2; // false
extends fun preloadRef(self: Slice): Cell;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads the next reference from the Slice
as a Cell
. Doesn’t modify the original Slice
Attempts to preload such a reference Cell
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
let s1: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Cell = s1.preloadRef(); // doesn't modify s1
let s2: Slice = beginCell() .storeRef(emptyCell()) .storeRef(s1.asCell()) .asSlice();
let ref1: Cell = s2.preloadRef();let ref2: Cell = s2.preloadRef();ref1 == ref2; // true
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipRef(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips the next reference from the Slice
. Similar to discarding the return value of Slice.loadRef()
Attempts to skip such reference Cell
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s1: Slice = beginCell() .storeRef(emptyCell()) .storeUint(42, 32) .asSlice();
s1.skipRef();let fizz: Int = s1.loadUint(32); // 42
Available since Tact 1.6extends mutates fun loadMaybeRef(self: Slice): Cell?;
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Loads a single bit from the Slice
: if it’s , the referenced Cell
is loaded and returned. If the loaded bit is , nothing else is loaded and null
is returned.
Attempts to load such a reference Cell
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s = msg.asSlice();let outActions = s.loadMaybeRef();
if (outActions != null) { let actions = outActions!!; // process actions}
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun preloadMaybeRef(self: Slice): Cell?;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads a single bit from the Slice
: if it’s , the referenced Cell
is preloaded and returned. If the preloaded bit is , null
is returned. Doesn’t modify the original Slice
Attempts to preload such a reference Cell
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
let s1: Slice = beginCell().storeMaybeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Cell = s1.preloadMaybeRef(); // returns emptyCell() and doesn't modify s1
let s2: Slice = beginCell() .storeMaybeRef(null) .storeMaybeRef(s1.asCell()) .asSlice();
let ref1: Cell = s2.preloadMaybeRef(); // returns null and doesn't modify s2let ref2: Cell = s2.preloadMaybeRef(); // same effectref1 == null; // trueref1 == ref2; // true
Available since Tact 1.6.2extends mutates fun skipMaybeRef(self: Slice);
Extension mutation function for the Slice
Skips Cell?
from the Slice
. Similar to discarding the return value of Slice.loadMaybeRef()
Attempts to skip such reference Cell
when the Slice
doesn’t contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow
Attempts to skip more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s1: Slice = beginCell() .storeMaybeRef(emptyCell()) .storeUint(42, 32) .asSlice();
s1.skipMaybeRef();let fizz: Int = s1.loadUint(32); // 42
extends fun refs(self: Slice): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Returns the number of references in the Slice
as an Int
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.refs();
extends fun bits(self: Slice): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Returns the number of data bits in the Slice
as an Int
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.bits();
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun firstBits(self: Slice, len: Int): Slice;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads the first len
bits from the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds len
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let firstFive: Slice = s.firstBits(5); // first 5 bits
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun lastBits(self: Slice, len: Int): Slice;
Extension function for the Slice
Preloads the last len
bits from the Slice
Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds len
value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Attempts to preload more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let lastFive: Slice = s.lastBits(5); // last 5 bits
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun depth(self: Slice): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Computes and returns the Int
depth of the Slice
. Produces if the Slice
has no references. Otherwise, it returns plus the maximum of the depths of the referenced cells.
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let depth: Int = s.depth(); // 0
Gas-expensive Available since Tact 1.6extends fun computeDataSize(self: Slice, maxCells: Int): DataSize;
Extension function for the Slice
Similar to Cell.computeDataSize()
, but does not take into account the cell that contains the Slice
itself. However, it accounts for its bits and refs.
The results are packed into a DataSize
Struct consisting of:
Field | Type | Description |
cells | Int | The total number of nested cells, including the starting one |
bits | Int | The total number of bits in all nested cells, including the starting one |
refs | Int | The total number of refs in all nested cells, including the starting one |
If the specified maxCells
value is insufficient to traverse all cells not including the starting one, an exception with exit code 8 is thrown: Cell overflow
Attempts to specify a negative value for maxCells
throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();try { let dataSize: DataSize = s.computeDataSize(1); dataSize.cells; // 1 dataSize.bits; // 7 dataSize.refs; // 1} catch (exitCode) { // if maxCells was insufficient to traverse the cell // and all of its references, the exitCode here would be 8}
extends fun empty(self: Slice): Bool;
Extension function for the Slice
Checks whether the Slice
is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references). Returns true
if it is empty, false
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Bool = s.empty(); // falselet buzz: Bool = beginCell().asSlice().empty(); // true
extends fun dataEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool;
Extension function for the Slice
Checks whether the Slice
has no bits of data. Returns true
if it has no data, false
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Bool = s.dataEmpty(); // true
let s2: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();let buzz: Bool = s2.dataEmpty(); // false
extends fun refsEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool;
Extension function for the Slice
Checks whether the Slice
has no references. Returns true
if it has no references, false
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();let fizz: Bool = s.refsEmpty(); // falselet buzz: Bool = beginCell().asSlice().refsEmpty(); // true
extends fun endParse(self: Slice);
Extension function for the Slice
Checks whether the Slice
is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references). If it is not, it throws an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
let emptyOne: Slice = emptySlice();emptyOne.endParse(); // nothing, as it's empty
let paul: Slice = "Fear is the mind-killer".asSlice();try { paul.endParse(); // throws exit code 9}
Gas-expensiveextends fun hash(self: Slice): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Calculates and returns an Int
value of the SHA-256 hash of the standard Cell
representation of the given Slice
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().asSlice();let fizz: Int = s.hash();
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun hashData(self: Slice): Int;
Extension function for the Slice
Calculates and returns an Int
value of the SHA-256 hash of the data bits from the given Slice
, which should have a number of bits divisible by 8.
Unlike sha256()
, this function is gas-efficient and only hashes the data of the given Slice
, i.e. up to 1023 bits, ignoring the refs.
Attempts to specify a Slice
with a number of bits not divisible by 8 throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
// Base64-encoded BoC with "Hello, World!"let short: Slice = slice("te6cckEBAQEADgAAGEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkIXgtxbw=");
// It's enough to only take the hash of the datasha256(short) == short.hashData(); // true
// But if we construct a slice larger than 1023 bits with all refs combined,// we must use sha256() or we'll get skewed results or even collisions
let tmp: Builder = beginCell();repeat (127) { tmp = tmp.storeUint(69, 8) } // storing 127 byteslet ref: Cell = beginCell().storeUint(33, 8).endCell();let long: Slice = tmp.storeRef(ref).asSlice(); // plus a ref with a single byte
// Hashing just the data bits in the current slice isn't enoughsha256(long) == long.hashData(); // false!
Gas-expensiveextends fun asCell(self: Slice): Cell;
Extension function for the Slice
Converts the Slice
to a Cell
and returns it. An alias to beginCell().storeSlice(self).endCell()
Usage example:
let s: Slice = beginCell().asSlice();let fizz: Cell = s.asCell();let buzz: Cell = beginCell().storeSlice(s).endCell();
fizz == buzz; // true
extends fun asString(self: Slice): String;
Extension function for the Slice
Casts the Slice
to a String
and returns it. The inverse of String.asSlice()
Usage example:
let s: String = "Keep your Slices close, but your Strings closer.";let fizz: String = s;let buzz: String = s.asSlice().asString();
fizz == buzz; // true
Gas-expensiveextends fun fromBase64(self: Slice): Slice;
Extension function for the Slice
Returns a new Slice
from the decoded Base64 Slice
Note that this function is limited and only takes the first 1023 bits of data from the given Slice
, without throwing an exception if the Slice
has more data (i.e., when it has any references).
If the given Slice
contains characters not from the Base64 set, an exception with exit code 134 will be thrown: Invalid argument
Usage example:
let s: Slice = "SSBhbSBHcm9vdC4=".asSlice();let fizz: Slice = s.fromBase64();
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun asAddress(self: Slice, chain: Int): Address;
Extension function for the Slice
Casts the Slice
to an Address
on a given chain
ID and returns it. It is the inverse of Address.asSlice()
and a safe but more gas-expensive version of Slice.asAddressUnsafe()
Attempts to specify a Slice
with an invalid account ID length throw an error with exit code 136: Invalid standard address
Attempts to specify a Slice
with an invalid tag prefix (not 0b100
) or with an invalid account ID length (not 256 bits) throw an error with exit code 136: Invalid standard address
Usage example:
let a: Address = myAddress(); // let's assume we're in a basechainlet a2: Address = a.asSlice().asAddress(0); // so the chain ID is 0
a == a2; // true
Available since Tact 1.6extends fun asAddressUnsafe(self: Slice): Address;
Extension function for the Slice
Unsafely casts the Slice
to an Address
and returns it. The inverse of Address.asSlice()
This function does not perform any checks on the contents of the Slice
Usage example:
let a: Address = myAddress();let a2: Address = a.asSlice().asAddressUnsafe();
a == a2; // true
extends fun toCell(self: Struct): Cell;
Extension function for any Struct type.
Converts the Struct to a Cell
and returns it.
Usage example:
struct GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun coinCell(): Cell { let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 }; let fizz: Cell = s.toCell();
return fizz; // "x{12A11B}"}
Available since Tact 1.5extends fun toSlice(self: Struct): Slice;
Extension function for any Struct type.
Converts the Struct to a Slice
and returns it. An alias to self.toCell().asSlice()
Usage example:
struct GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun coinSlice(): Slice { let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 }; let fizz: Slice = s.toSlice();
return fizz; // "CS{Cell{000612a11b} bits: 0..24; refs: 0..0}"}
extends fun fromCell(self: Struct, cell: Cell): Struct;
Extension function for any Struct type.
Converts a Cell
into the specified Struct and returns that Struct.
Attempts to pass a Cell
with a layout different from the specified Struct or to load more data than the Cell
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
struct GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun directParse(payload: Cell): GuessCoin { return GuessCoin.fromCell(payload);}
fun cautiousParse(payload: Cell): GuessCoin? { let coin: GuessCoin? = null; try { coin = GuessCoin.fromCell(payload); } catch (e) { dump("Cell payload doesn't match GuessCoin Struct!"); } return coin;}
extends fun fromSlice(self: Struct, slice: Slice): Struct;
Extension function for any Struct type.
Converts a Slice
into the specified Struct and returns that Struct.
Attempts to pass a Slice
with a layout different from the specified Struct or to load more data than the Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
struct GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun directParse(payload: Slice): GuessCoin { return GuessCoin.fromSlice(payload);}
fun cautiousParse(payload: Slice): GuessCoin? { let coin: GuessCoin? = null; try { coin = GuessCoin.fromSlice(payload); } catch (e) { dump("Slice payload doesn't match GuessCoin Struct!"); } return coin;}
extends fun toCell(self: Message): Cell;
Extension function for any Message type.
Converts the Message to a Cell
and returns it.
Usage example:
message GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun coinCell(): Cell { let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 }; let fizz: Cell = s.toCell();
return fizz; // "x{AB37107712A11B}"}
Available since Tact 1.5extends fun toSlice(self: Message): Slice;
Extension function for any Message type.
Converts the Message to a Slice
and returns it. An alias to self.toCell().asSlice()
Usage example:
message GuessCoin { probably: Int as coins; nothing: Int as coins;}
fun coinSlice(): Slice { let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 }; let fizz: Slice = s.toSlice();
return fizz; // "CS{Cell{000eab37107712a11b} bits: 0..56; refs: 0..0}"}
extends fun fromCell(self: Message, cell: Cell): Message;
Extension function for any Message type.
Converts a Cell
into the specified Message and returns that Message.
Attempts to pass a Cell
with a layout different from the specified Message or to load more data than a Cell
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
message(0x777) TripleAxe { prize: Int as uint32;}
fun directParse(payload: Cell): TripleAxe { return TripleAxe.fromCell(payload);}
fun cautiousParse(payload: Cell): TripleAxe? { let coin: TripleAxe? = null; try { coin = TripleAxe.fromCell(payload); } catch (e) { dump("Cell payload doesn't match TripleAxe Message!"); } return coin;}
extends fun fromSlice(self: Message, slice: Slice): Message;
Extension function for any Message type.
Converts a Slice
into the specified Message and returns that Message.
Attempts to pass a Slice
with a layout different from the specified Message or to load more data than a Slice
contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow
Usage examples:
message(0x777) TripleAxe { prize: Int as uint32;}
fun directParse(payload: Slice): TripleAxe { return TripleAxe.fromSlice(payload);}
fun cautiousParse(payload: Slice): TripleAxe? { let coin: TripleAxe? = null; try { coin = TripleAxe.fromSlice(payload); } catch (e) { dump("Slice payload doesn't match TripleAxe Message!"); } return coin;}