List of the most commonly used built-in global static functions.
fun now(): Int;
Returns the current Unix time.
Usage example:
let timeOffset: Int = now() + 1000; // thousand seconds from now()
fun myBalance(): Int;
Returns the nanoToncoin Int
balance of the smart contract as it was at the start of the compute phase of the current transaction.
Usage example:
let iNeedADolla: Int = myBalance();
fun myAddress(): Address;
Returns the address of the current smart contract as an Address
Usage example:
let meMyselfAndI: Address = myAddress();
fun sender(): Address;
Returns the Address
of the sender of the current message.
Usage example:
contract MeSee { receive() { let whoSentMeMessage: Address = sender(); }}
fun context(): Context;
Returns Context
struct, which consists of:
Field | Type | Description |
bounceable | Bool | Indicates whether the received message can bounce back. |
sender | Address | Internal address of the sender on the TON blockchain. |
value | Int | Amount of nanoToncoins in the received message. |
raw | Slice | The remainder of the received message as a Slice . It follows the internal message layout of TON, starting from the destination Address (MsgAddressInt in TL-B notation). |
Usage example:
let ctx: Context = context();require(ctx.value != 68 + 1, "Invalid amount of nanoToncoins, bye!");
Gas-expensivefun newAddress(chain: Int, hash: Int): Address;
Creates a new Address
based on the chain
ID and the SHA-256 encoded hash
value (account ID).
This function tries to resolve constant values at compile-time whenever possible.
Attempts to specify an invalid chain
ID (not or ) detectable at compile-time will result in a compilation error.
Usage example:
let oldTonFoundationAddr: Address = newAddress(0, 0x83dfd552e63729b472fcbcc8c45ebcc6691702558b68ec7527e1ba403a0f31a8); // ↑ ↑ // | SHA-256 hash of contract's init package (StateInit) // chain ID: 0 is a workchain, -1 is a masterchain
Available since Tact 1.6.1extends fun hasSameBasechainAddress(self: StateInit, sender: Address): Bool;
Efficiently compares whether the given address matches the basechain address of the contract. Returns true if the addresses are the same; false otherwise.
fun example() { let init = initOf SomeContract(); init.hasSameBasechainAddress(sender()); // returns true if sender matches contract's basechain address}
This function provides a gas-optimized implementation compared to direct address comparison:
fun example() { let init = initOf SomeContract(); sender() == contractAddress(sender()); // less efficient approach}
Gas-expensivefun contractAddress(s: StateInit): Address;
Computes the smart contract’s Address
in the workchain ID (basechain) using the StateInit
of the contract. An alias to contractAddressExt(0, s.code,
Usage example:
let s: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let foundMeSome: Address = contractAddress(s);let andSomeMore: Address = contractAddressExt(0, s.code,;
foundMeSome == andSomeMore; // true
Gas-expensivefun contractAddressExt(chain: Int, code: Cell, data: Cell): Address;
Computes the smart contract’s Address
in the given chain
ID using the contract’s code
and its initial state data
. Use the initOf
expression to obtain the initial code
and initial data
of a given contract.
This function tries to resolve constant values at compile-time whenever possible.
Attempts to specify an invalid chain
ID (not or ) that can be detected at compile-time will result in a compilation error.
Usage example:
let initPkg: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let hereBeDragons: Address = contractAddressExt(0, initPkg.code,;
Available since Tact 1.6fun contractHash(code: Cell, data: Cell): Int;
Computes and returns an Int
value of the SHA-256 hash of the code
and data
of the given contract. To assemble the code
and data
cells together for hashing, the standard Cell
representation is used.
This hash is commonly called the account ID. Together with the workchain ID, it deterministically forms the address of the contract on TON Blockchain.
Usage example:
let initPkg: StateInit = initOf SomeContract();let accountId: Int = contractHash(initPkg.code,;let basechainAddr: Address = newAddress(0, accountId);let basechainAddr2: Address = contractAddressExt(0, initPkg.code,;
basechainAddr == basechainAddr2; // true
Gas-expensivefun send(params: SendParameters);
Queues the message to be sent using a SendParameters
Attempts to queue more than messages throw an exception with exit code 33: Action list is too long
Usage example:
send(SendParameters{ to: sender(), // back to the sender, value: ton("1"), // with 1 Toncoin (1_000_000_000 nanoToncoin), // and no message body});
Gas-expensive Available since Tact 1.6fun message(params: MessageParameters);
Queues the message to be sent using the MessageParameters
struct. Allows for cheaper non-deployment regular messages compared to the send()
The MessageParameters
struct is similar to the SendParameters
struct, but without the body
and code
Attempts to queue more than messages throw an exception with an exit code 33: Action list is too long
Usage example:
message(MessageParameters{ to: sender(), // back to the sender, value: ton("1"), // with 1 Toncoin (1_000_000_000 nanoToncoin), // and no message body});
Gas-expensive Available since Tact 1.6fun deploy(params: DeployParameters);
Queues the contract deployment message to be sent using the DeployParameters
struct. Allows for cheaper on-chain deployments compared to the send()
The DeployParameters
struct consists of the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
mode | Int | An 8-bit value that configures how to send a message, defaults to . See: Message mode . |
body | Cell? | Optional message body as a Cell . |
value | Int | The amount of nanoToncoins you want to send with the message. This value is used to cover forward fees unless the optional flag SendPayGasSeparately is used. |
bounce | Bool | When set to true (default), the message bounces back to the sender if the recipient contract doesn’t exist or isn’t able to process the message. |
init | StateInit | Initial package of the contract (initial code and initial data). See: initOf . |
Attempts to queue more than messages throw an exception with an exit code 33: Action list is too long
Usage example:
deploy(DeployParameters{ init: initOf SomeContract(), // with initial code and data of SomeContract // and no additional message body mode: SendIgnoreErrors, // skip the message in case of errors value: ton("1"), // send 1 Toncoin (1_000_000_000 nanoToncoin)});
Gas-expensive Available since Tact 1.6.1fun cashback(to: Address);
Queues an empty message to be sent with the SendRemainingValue
mode with the SendIgnoreErrors
to the destination address to
. It is the most gas-efficient way to send the remaining value from the incoming message to the given address.
Attempts to queue more than 255 messages throw an exception with exit code 33: Action list is too long
Usage examples:
// Forward the remaining value back to the sendercashback(sender());
// The cashback() function above is cheaper, but functionally// equivalent to the following call to the message() functionmessage(MessageParameters{ mode: SendRemainingValue | SendIgnoreErrors, body: null, value: 0, to: sender(), bounce: false,});
Gas-expensivefun emit(body: Cell);
Queues the message body
to be sent to the outer world for the purpose of logging and analyzing it later off-chain. The message does not have a recipient and is more gas-efficient compared to using any other message-sending functions of Tact.
The message is sent with the default mode: SendDefaultMode
Attempts to queue more than messages throw an exception with an exit code 33: Action list is too long
Usage example:
emit("Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes".asComment()); // asComment() converts a String to a Cell