OTP-006: Contract Package
This proposal defines a way to package a compiled contract, its dependencies, and all related metadata into a single file.
A unified package format is needed to simplify the process of deploying and upgrading contracts using various tools without the need to configure them.
The contract package is defined as a JSON file, usually with a .pkg
{ "name": "ContractName", "code": "...base64-encoded BoC...", "abi": "...an ABI as a string to be uploaded as is to IPFS or Ton Storage...", "init": { "kind": "direct", // contract can be deployed as is "args": [], // arguments in ABI-like format "prefix": { // optional prefix for init() "bits": 1, // number of bits "value": 0 // value of the prefix }, "deployment": { "kind": "system-cell", "system": null // removed in Tact 1.6.0 } }, "sources": { "contracts/stdlib.fc": "...base64-encoded source file...", "contracts/contract_name.tact": "...base64-encoded source file..." }, "compiler": { "name": "tact", "version": "1.5.3", "parameters": "{...}" // a JSON as a string with an entrypoint and compilation options }}
The schema of the specification is typed and accessible via:
import type { PackageFileFormat } from '@tact-lang/compiler';
- Bags of Cells (BoC): https://docs.ton.org/develop/data-formats/cell-boc#packing-a-bag-of-cells
- OTP-002: Contract ABI