本页列出了使用 jettons 的常见示例。
Jettons 是TON区块链上的代币标准,旨在创建同质化代币(类似于以太坊上的ERC-20),并采用去中心化的方式。 它们以一对智能合约的形式实现,通常由两个核心组件组成:
- Jetton Master Contracting (Jetton master)
- Jetton Wallet Contract (Jetton wallet)
Jetton Master Contract
Jetton 主合同是特定 Jetton 的中心实体。 它保留了有关Jetton本身的重要信息。 Jetton 主合同中存储的主要责任和数据包括:
铸造和销毁:当新的Jettons被铸造(创建)时,Jetton主合约管理创建过程并将其分发到相应的钱包。 它还能根据需要管理代币的燃烧(销毁)。
供应管理:Jetton Master 跟踪 Jettons 的总供应量,并确保对所有已发放的 Jettons 进行适当核算。
Jetton Wallet 合约
Jetton Wallet 合约是个人持有者的代币钱包,负责管理特定用户的余额和与代币相关的操作。 每个持有Jettons的用户或实体将拥有自己独特的Jetton钱包合约。 Jetton Wallet 合约的主要特点包括:
代币转账:钱包负责处理用户之间的代币转账。 当用户发送Jetton时,Jetton Wallet 合约确保与收件人的钱包进行适当的转移和沟通。 Jetton Master 不参与这项活动,也不会造成瓶颈。 钱包可充分利用 TON 的分片功能
代币销毁:Jetton钱包与Jetton Master交互以销毁代币。
所有者控制:钱包合约由特定用户拥有和控制 表示只有钱包的所有者可以启动转账或其他代币操作。
接受 jetton 转移
message(0x7362d09c) JettonTransferNotification { queryId: Int as uint64; amount: Int as coins; sender: Address; forwardPayload: Slice as remaining;}
使用 receiver 功能接受代币通知信息。
必须验证传输通知的发件人,因为恶意行为者可能试图从未经授权的账户中伪造通知。 如果不进行这种确认,合约可接受未经授权的交易,从而造成潜在的安全脆弱性。
使用合约中的 Jetton 地址进行验证:
- 发送者向其 Jetton 钱包发送以
作为 32 位标题(操作码)的信息。 - Jetton钱包将资金转到合约的Jetton钱包。
- 在成功的转账接受后,合约的Jetton钱包将转账通知给他的所有者合约。
- 合约验证Jetton信息。
你可以使用 contractAddress()
函数获取合约的 Jetton 钱包,或链下计算此地址。
要获取 Jetton 钱包的初始状态,您需要钱包的数据和代码。 虽然初始数据布局有一个共同的结构,但在某些情况下可能不同,如 USDT。
由于通知源自您的合约的 Jetton 钱包,函数myAddress()
应在 `owners’ 字段中使用。
import "@stdlib/deploy";
struct JettonWalletData { balance: Int as coins; ownerAddress: Address; jettonMasterAddress: Address; jettonWalletCode: Cell;}
fun calculateJettonWalletAddress( ownerAddress: Address, jettonMasterAddress: Address, jettonWalletCode: Cell): Address {
let initData = JettonWalletData{ balance: 0, ownerAddress, jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, };
return contractAddress(StateInit{ code: jettonWalletCode, data: initData.toCell(), });}
message(0x7362d09c) JettonTransferNotification { queryId: Int as uint64; amount: Int as coins; sender: Address; forwardPayload: Slice as remaining;}
contract Example with Deployable { myJettonWalletAddress: Address; myJettonAmount: Int as coins = 0;
init(jettonWalletCode: Cell, jettonMasterAddress: Address) { self.myJettonWalletAddress = calculateJettonWalletAddress( myAddress(), jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, ); }
receive(msg: JettonTransferNotification) { require( sender() == self.myJettonWalletAddress, "Notification not from your jetton wallet!", );
self.myJettonAmount += msg.amount;
// Forward excesses self.forward(msg.sender, null, false, null); }}
Jetton 转账是将指定数量的 Jetton 从一个钱包(合约)发送到另一个钱包的过程。
若要发送Jetton转账,请使用 send()
import "@stdlib/deploy";
message(0xf8a7ea5) JettonTransfer { queryId: Int as uint64; amount: Int as coins; destination: Address; responseDestination: Address?; customPayload: Cell? = null; forwardTonAmount: Int as coins; forwardPayload: Slice as remaining;}
const JettonTransferGas: Int = ton("0.05");
struct JettonWalletData { balance: Int as coins; ownerAddress: Address; jettonMasterAddress: Address; jettonWalletCode: Cell;}
fun calculateJettonWalletAddress( ownerAddress: Address, jettonMasterAddress: Address, jettonWalletCode: Cell,): Address {
let initData = JettonWalletData{ balance: 0, ownerAddress, jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, };
return contractAddress(StateInit{ code: jettonWalletCode, data: initData.toCell(), });}
message Withdraw { amount: Int as coins;}
contract Example with Deployable { myJettonWalletAddress: Address; myJettonAmount: Int as coins = 0;
init(jettonWalletCode: Cell, jettonMasterAddress: Address) { self.myJettonWalletAddress = calculateJettonWalletAddress( myAddress(), jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, ); }
receive(msg: Withdraw) { require( msg.amount <= self.myJettonAmount, "Not enough funds to withdraw" );
send(SendParameters{ to: self.myJettonWalletAddress, value: JettonTransferGas, body: JettonTransfer{ // To prevent replay attacks queryId: 42, // Jetton amount to transfer amount: msg.amount, // Where to transfer Jettons: // this is an address of the Jetton wallet // owner and not the Jetton wallet itself destination: sender(), // Where to send a confirmation notice of a successful transfer // and the rest of the incoming message value responseDestination: sender(), // Can be used for custom logic of Jettons themselves, // and without such can be set to null customPayload: null, // Amount to transfer with JettonTransferNotification, // which is needed for the execution of custom logic forwardTonAmount: 1, // if its 0, the notification won't be sent! // Compile-time way of expressing: // beginCell().storeUint(0xF, 4).endCell().beginParse() // For more complicated transfers, adjust accordingly forwardPayload: rawSlice("F") }.toCell(), }); }}
销毁 jetton
Jetton 销毁是将指定数量的 Jetton 永久移出流通的过程,无法恢复。
import "@stdlib/deploy";
message(0x595f07bc) JettonBurn { queryId: Int as uint64; amount: Int as coins; responseDestination: Address?; customPayload: Cell? = null;}
const JettonBurnGas: Int = ton("0.05");
struct JettonWalletData { balance: Int as coins; ownerAddress: Address; jettonMasterAddress: Address; jettonWalletCode: Cell;}
fun calculateJettonWalletAddress( ownerAddress: Address, jettonMasterAddress: Address, jettonWalletCode: Cell,): Address {
let initData = JettonWalletData{ balance: 0, ownerAddress, jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, };
return contractAddress(StateInit{ code: jettonWalletCode, data: initData.toCell(), });}
message ThrowAway { amount: Int as coins;}
contract Example with Deployable { myJettonWalletAddress: Address; myJettonAmount: Int as coins = 0;
init(jettonWalletCode: Cell, jettonMasterAddress: Address) { self.myJettonWalletAddress = calculateJettonWalletAddress( myAddress(), jettonMasterAddress, jettonWalletCode, ); }
receive(msg: ThrowAway) { require( msg.amount <= self.myJettonAmount, "Not enough funds to throw away", );
send(SendParameters{ to: self.myJettonWalletAddress, value: JettonBurnGas, body: JettonBurn{ // To prevent replay attacks queryId: 42, // Jetton amount you want to burn amount: msg.amount, // Where to send a confirmation notice of a successful burn // and the rest of the incoming message value responseDestination: sender(), // Can be used for custom logic of Jettons themselves, // and without such can be set to null customPayload: null, }.toCell(), }); }}
USDT jetton 业务
除了 JettonWalletData
将采用以下结构外,USDT(在 TON 上)的操作保持不变:
struct JettonWalletData { status: Int as uint4; balance: Int as coins; ownerAddress: Address; jettonMasterAddress: Address;}
// And the function to calculate the wallet address may look like this:fun calculateJettonWalletAddress( ownerAddress: Address, jettonMasterAddress: Address, jettonWalletCode: Cell): Address {
let initData = JettonWalletData{ status: 0, balance: 0, ownerAddress, jettonMasterAddress, };
return contractAddress(StateInit{ code: jettonWalletCode, data: initData.toCell(), });}